Thursday, November 12, 2009

Would You Pull the Trigger?

In Part 6, Chapter 5, Svid has lured Dunya into his room by reminding her that he knows about her brother's secret. Svid tells her that he overheard Raskolnikov confessing the murders of Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta. He then offers to help Raskolnikov avoid punishment if Dunya will marry him. Horrified, Dunya tries to escape but Svid has locked the door. He then threatens to rape her and Dunya pulls out a revolver...

Now, Put yourself in Dunya's place. If all of these things happened to you and you were threatened to raped, would you pull the trigger of that revolver and kill Svid? I know you'll try to justify your actions by saying it would be in self defense. But seriously, do you think you would, or even could, do it?

Dunya did pull the trigger, twice; however, she merely wounded Svid. She did not have the heart to kill him, so she wounded him in order to escape.

I honestly do not know how I would react in this situation because I have never been in a situation like this. I would like to think that I would not harm another human being, but sometimes the adrenaline produced from these situations could cause you to do crazy things. There I go trying to justify me killing someone. Hopefully, I would be like Dunya and wound the person. What would you do?

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