Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Marrige and Prostitution

In Mrs. Warren's Profession, marrige is viewed as being the same as prostitution. Litle or no difference is compared between the two, they are viewed as the same thing. I disagree with this though, in fact, I highly disagree with this!!! There are major differences between marrige and prostitution, and they are quite obvious.
Marrige is all about commitment and love. When you get married to a person, you are commiting your entire bieng to them, your life, and everything about you to them. You get married to a person when you have a deep, mature, sense of pure, undying love for that person. You have to love that person completely, and you have to be ready to stay by that person's side for the rest of your life. There is no room for impurity, or adultery for that matter. You must be ready for that loyal commitment when you marry that person.
Prostitution, on the other hand, has no similarity to marrige, at all. It's all about pleasure, passion, and lust. Outside of marrige, these are dangerous, because marrige was meant to be the way to express these feelings. Prostitution is just the lustful part, there is absolutely no love involved, it's all about the pleasure. It is sinful and dirty. Marrige is pure, not dirty. Prostitution is a horrble sin, it really is. The physical part is temporarily content, but the emotional and spiritual parts are completely ingored. Those three parts are only completely fulfilled in the bounds of marrige, and nowhere else.
So, as you can see, marrige and prostitution are completely different. Putting them anywhere near each other is an abomination. It is very wrong. Marrige is full of love, commitment, and purity. Prostitution is filled with temporary satisfaction, too much passion, and sin. Altogether, the both of them are very different indeed.

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