Wednesday, November 25, 2009

On Svid

After reading Regis post, I thought it best to write a similar blog, cause that subject does touch me. There are so many emotions packed into that part of the book its ridiculous. I cant even describe it. I see Svid, who is obviously not the best guy, but nevertheless, I can sympathize with him. I see him in a state that, im afraid, many people find themselves in, the lack of love. I like to see the good in people, and I like to think that somewhere down the line Svid was a great guy, maybe something tragic happened in his early life, maybe a parent beat him, something big, that made him into what he was in the book. And then in the section where he corners Dunya, I can see his entire life beeing shattered in 1 instant. The girl that he has basically staked his life on is leaving him, she will never love him. Can you imagine how he must have felt? I can. And then to think that this sad character kills himself because he thinks theres nothing left in the world is, tragic. I say this to say, thankfully, there is a reason to live beyond love, though love is part of it, a reason beyond happiness, though happiness is part of it, a reason beyond life, though life is part of it. There is something to live for beyond those things. And the "reason" died so you could live. The reason's name is Jesus Christ, and he can save your life. So if you know a Svid, dont let him go without telling him.......and that goes for me as well.......

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