Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So.. That Ida.

I know this is late, and I really don't have an excuse or do I expect you to count this as last weeks, but I'm going to try anyway. I definately forgot about the blog due to the storm because I didn't look at my planner today because I didn't need to write anything in it. Anyway.

My mind has been nonstop thinking about this dang research paper. Even when I'm not working on it, I'm thinking about it. But, it's not like I'm thinking about how to write it, I'm just constantly thinking about my topic. I'm writing about the natural rights of man, or in my case how I do not believe there are any natural rights. I didn't use to think this, but after we discussed it in class I started thinking about how the natural rights we are suppossablly born with, we end up fofeiting in the end. We either forfeit our own rights or we forfeit someone elses. For example, the first right stated in the Declaration of Independence is the right to life, which seems pretty common sense. But, we often take away that right for others. In the case of abortion, we take away the right of life of each baby that is aborted. That's just a little bit of what my paper it talking about. Obviouslly, I'm tying in the literature aspect of it. I really hated this topic at first, but now I''m starting to get into it and fired up about it.


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