Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Greater Evil

Justifiable sin is a sticky subject. We'd like to give the tidy answer about obeying the law until it conflicts with the Bible and then it's ok to disobey. But that doesn't cut it in the real world. Back in Nazi Germany, if you have Jews hiding in your attic, and the government interrogates you about it, is it right to lie? Is it right to break the law to send Bibles into a foreign country? Was it right for Rahab to lie about the spies in her house? Apparently it was, because she was accredited righteousness for her faith. But that's only one specific instance where we have an answer.
There are situations like those above in which we must consider the concept of a greater evil. If you're Baptist, you grew up being told that all sins are equal, but this is not so at all in the Bible, and you cannot honestly tell me that me lying is the same as raping a child. It doesn't work that way. Not here, nor in the Scriptures. So we ask ourselves in the above scenario, is the greater evil lying to authorities, or betraying your fellow man and letting him die?

1 comment:

  1. In the words of our good friend James White, and possibly someone famous...."The greater of two evils....I still evil."
