Friday, November 20, 2009

The Intellectual Capacity of the Typical Ninth-grader, Or, "Baha, the N-word!"

It's hard for me to try and reason why I was such a devout teenage-drama mediator/mentor from 2005 through 2008. Very little progress was ever made, and not one person ever payed their dues. That was all expected from the get-go, just by considering the common disposition of 'second-gen' teenagers (dare ye read my book to learn the definition behind that).

But why are the majority of them so stupid? I would use the word 'ignorant', if they didn't branch themselves out so much. Anyway, society is to blame. With that said, their involvement in society is to blame. So they themselves are to blame, right from the moment they find aesthetic pleasure in saying a cuss word.

Well, this should not prevent the teaching of material such as Huckleberry Finn; at least not based on preliminary analysis. I think the material should be circulated through the literary classes of high-schools everywhere for historic cultural understanding. The opportunity to both read and learn the details of Twain's work shouldn't be withheld simply due to the past, present, and most likely future half-wit actions of "the crowd", but it should at least be tested to see if it can hold up in a class without creating such a stir amongst the idiots that it causes the whole school to collapse on itself. If it really does cause a problem that you can't handle (and since you probably can't expel over 60% of a class' students), then it can be withdrawn, but at least let it run its course and see what happens. Sawyer and Finn should not be overlooked in the future simply for the reactions they receive amongst those who just want to have 'fun'. And if the parents require an explanation for why it's being material, give it one try. If it doesn't work, give it up and repeal the material, as it's already clear the parents were no further educated in their own youth.

*begin atypical whiny session* It's a sad, sad world we live in, where saying the N-word abbreviated with an "a" at the end instead of "er" is considered a friendly reference amongst many, and listening to clicking beats with lyrics about booty-shaking is considered the right-of-passage for crowd-acceptance.

I vote to make Jaymay a popular music figure. Like any of you know who that is either. :)

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