Sunday, November 8, 2009

Black and White

In today's day and age many habits and lifestyles are more accepted than they were 50 years ago. Sadly with that growing toleration has come a growing level of crimes deemed justifiable. For me a person's morals and virtues should be "black and white". Set principles guide a person's thinking and actions. As these principles become more "gray" so do a person's actions. Unfortunately for many in today's society their minds have become polluted by all the chaos and evil in the world. People are no longer moved to anger after hearing about a child being brutally raped; instead they just pass it off as another headline story in the news. What about an elderly person being beaten to death? Most could care less. For me this is ridiculous. If we really loved our neighbors as ourselves, these types of crimes would not be happening. If people would look farther than the tips of their noses to see the hurt and needs around them and actually do something to end it then maybe the world wouldn't be so corrupted but would reflect the compassion of Jesus Christ.

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