Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Rights And Our Responsibilities

Even though the Bible does not clearly state any of our rights, I believe that each of us have Natural Rights and Responsibilities. We, as humans have created a system known as the Government, sometimes this "system" does more harm than good though. Also, we have created so many other systems within the "system" that it is starting to threaten our Rights that we hold dearest. Thomas Jefferson states that, "whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." We have the Natural Rights of, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Whenever any organization threatens these, it is a very bad thing.
There are way to many Regulations in the Government, that are supossedly for our "own good." Before you know it the Government will be telling us how to use the land that we bought from them. Not only will they tax the living heck out of us, but they will also limit us to the things that we can do with the land that we bought from them. Many of these Regulations will eventually do much more harm to us instead of doing us "good." We have tried to create a good thing, but it has been said that too much of a good thing will do you harm. So we need to rely less on the Government, and more on the ourselves. We need to take personal responsibility. OH, that's a new concept isn't it?! The Government's job isn't making us happy, we were given the Right of Pursuit of Happiness. So that means that we have to take care of ourselves, and we have to reap the benefits, or pay the consequences of our own actions. If we go into debt, then we have to get ourselves out of it, not the government. So we are responsible soley for ourselves, and we can't rely so heavily on the government any more, if we do, then our Nation will cease to be as great as our Founding Fathers hoped it would be. So we have Natural Rights, but we also have Responsibilities.


  1. I posted on Daniel Watter's "Politics Anyone?"

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Regis! The whole time I was reading this post, I couldn't help but think about the recent economy and the bailouts and desires for universal healthcare that are involved. The government has begun to step in and pay for our mistakes. If a person takes out a loan they know they can't repay, they should have to pay the consequence for it, rather than having the government do it for them. Also, the same applies to those who choose to remain unemployed. It's their fault they aren't working, and they should have to find a way to pay for their own bills, rather than having the government do it for them.
