In class this past week we learned about Hobbs and his thoughts about overthrowing the government. To him the idea of challenging the government and the way things were was such a terrible thought! He believed with any kind of change things would go back to they way the were before there was any government. As he said it, “nasty, brutish, and short.” He believed all of this out of fear. So as I was looking over my notes I started to think about how blessed we are to have a government like we do. Now I’m not saying our government is anywhere near perfect, but I’m so grateful that we don’t have to live in fear everyday of what might happen if someone did try to overthrow it. I’m also thankful that we have a democratic government so our thoughts and voices can be heard. I definitely prefer this to one where the king goes to war on different countries just because he is bored, and has the money to do so.
I commented on Seth Lamb's post "the right to live? i think not!"
I agree completely. Especially with the part about the government being less than perfect. While our government is technically a democracy, it still is not totally run by the people. In order to run for office, you must be of a certain age and usually very well off in order to afford campaigning. An average individual like you or me could never afford it. Plus, without the backing of one of the two major political parties, winning an office is nearly impossible.