Monday, September 14, 2009

No Good Answer

Why is government so inherently evil and yet so entirely necessary? Especially in the case of trying to please the minority as well as satisfy the majority(which I think we all agree is much easier). I think the simple and entirely complicated answer is selfishness. Deep down, we all want exactly what we want, when we want it, and exactly how we think we should get it; and nobody ever wants the same things. The problem comes when we refuse to have our minds or our ways changed and we try to make everyone else figure out how to fix it. If we have a problem, we should try to fix it ourselves! I don't think we should stage a coup, but I don't think we will fully come to a conclusion until we come up with logical solutions to our own problems and stop trying to fix everyone else's problems.


  1. I agree. When we are part of the majority, OF COURSE we want the majority to rule. However, if we are in the minority on an issue, we want to be as vocal as possible so that our voices are heard. If we are part of the minority that does not get its way, we aren't very happy campers with the majority (and vice-versa I suppose). But, is that selfish-ness or human nature..or is selfish-ness human nature. Regardless, we want what we want, when we want it...majority or minority.

  2. I have to agree. Some people are so busy pointing a finger, they fail to see the their own fault. Maybe they don't fail to see them but choose to ignore them.

  3. the real key here is that government can only successfully exist when held to a moral standard. Our nation was founded on morality, and i believe it was James Madison who said, upon signing the Constitution, that they are resting the fate of the nation on the assumed presence of morality.
    It's not so much a matter of focusing on our problems rather than someone else's, although that is key, but the real issue is realizing that we cant fix any problems, not ours or the world's. Until we as a nation get back to being completely relient on a sound moral foundation, and the will of God, we're only going to keep spiraling downhill.

  4. I totally agree with you. There are so many people just waiting for others to fix their problems and not doing anything for themselves. Before thinking that someone else must change or do something in order to fix your problems, you should ask how you can do it.
