Yesterday, when I was checking Colombia's newspaper, "El Tiempo", I found out that due to the 250 year anniversary of Voltaire's, Candide, literarure experts from all around the world were gathering at Oxford, England, in order to celebrate this special event. These experts debated the work from wednesday until friday of this week. "Candide" was first published in 1759 in Ginebra, just after Lisboa's earthquake. Experts believe that Candide is the perfect prototype of modernity, not only because of its style and humor, but also because of how it still attracts modern readers.
I commented on Whitney's post: "No good answer"
This is very interesting. I find is slightly amusing that a 250 year old work is considered the perfect "modern" prototype, however as it is still drawing modern readers I guess that could be an accurate statement. I would also love to know how on earth you can sit around and talk about "Candide" for three days! :-)