Monday, September 28, 2009

Kubla Khan

I just read part of an interesting interpretation of the poem that we read in class the other day, Kubla Khan. We looked at alot of posibilities of the meaning of this poem, but I don't remember if we ever decided on what it was actually about. I remember people talking about how they thought it was about sex, and some about drug abuse and the like, but I tend to agree with the writer of the review that I just read.

This person seems to think that the poem is not just about a certain man, but men in general, trying to create for themselves a paradise. Although, as imperfect men, any paradise we can create will be imperfect, so this "pleasure dome" is vulnerable.

This analysis suggests that Kubla Khan is a contrast between the best that Man has to offer, compared to true paradise.

What do you think?


  1. I agree with you and the writer of the review. I think that you can possibly interpret the poem in a few other ways, but I think it was written to be about man's attempt to create a "paradise" for himself...
