Monday, September 14, 2009

What Jesus Says About Our Labor!!! You know you wanna read this :)

Value = Amount of Labor

This was one of the thoughts we discussed in class Thursday.
There was an example used of a CEO who sits in the background and receives the most reward for all the efforts of those under him. You can be on one of two sides in this situation. You can say, "That man is so unfair and doesn't deserve all this. Look at how hard he is working compared to others". Or you can pull for the CEO and attribute his success to initial hard-work or his smart managing skills. However, I think many of us ride the fence on this subject. We see that there can be no followers without leaders and we know from the Bible that "where there is no vision the people perish"(Proverbs 29:18). But when we see corrupt leadership and poor treatment of hardworking employees by their employers, that is where we (or at least I) have a problem. After all, did Jesus not live by example and show us that "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave"(Matthew 20:26-27)?

What do you think?

Giving up something for a better good!

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