Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The perfect solution??

Last week in class we discussed if it was okay for a university to install footbaths for the 10% of the students that were Muslims. Since they are required to pray so many times a day and wash their feet each time the university could find a need for these students. After all prior to this they just washed their feet in the sink of the bathroom and got water all over the place, creating a hazard for others. However, while there was a need for this in that 10% how important is it for the 90% majority? Someone suggested it could be used for the athletes or other things like that, but do they really need it? I mean, sure they could use it if they had it but couldn't the school find a better way to use that money that would help more students. And what else will the school open itself up to by allowing these footbaths? I highly doubt the rest of the student body are all the same religion and denomination, and if the school makes that sort of adjustment for one group wouldn't it be unfair and even discriminating not to make adjustments and changes for everyone else.

While I understand that not everyone believes the same thing, and that everyone does not worship, if at all, in the same way. But I do think that by allowing this sort of thing for one group, it will only create more controversy later on as other groups also think of things that would accomadate them at their university better.


  1. I can't agree with this simply because I don't find it right to not assist students, even the minority, when they could use it and it doesn't hurt anyone. It was obviously a problem and to say that it isn't a problem for the majority so why fix it is selfish and just a little heartless.

  2. I think that the University should assist the students; however, I don't think that they should just buy the foot baths. I think that if the Muslims wanted these foot baths, they should do fundraisrs or something to get them. The school could even pay for half the cost, because you're right, it would create controversy amongst the other groups. But if the Muslims got them on their own or with a little help, it wouldn't be as disasterous.

  3. I think that these students should raise some of the money themselves to show that this is something they really want/need and are willing to fight for it. Someone also brought up the point that if a minority group is more responsive and proactive than the majority, the minority will get their way. So, his minority group would just need to prove their point through some action, or it could be worthless.
