Monday, September 14, 2009

Majority vs. Minority

In class on Thursday, we discussed how Locke argued that whatever the majority rule is, a government should go by it. And, I agree that we should go by the majority rule in many situations. But at the same time we must find a way to meet the minorities needs. If the same majority vote on something, then every time the group comes to make a decision, the majority will win. And even if that is the case, the minority group's voice must be heard, and their problems must be solved also. We also discussed how a minority can become the majority if the faith and will is stronger that the majority. If the minority group decides that they want to be heard, and they can somehow grow stronger than the majority, it doesn't matter how many people or what the count is. The heart of the people will overpower the majority, and eventually the minority will get their way. But that isn't always the case either, so it is the governments job to make sure that all of the people have their needs met. And even with that, the government shouldn't have to meet all of the peoples needs all the time. There are many lines that can be drawn in these situtaions, but in the end, minority voices need to be heard, and all peoples needs need to be met.

I commented on Josh H.'s blog.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the government trying to please all, but is it possible? The majority often does not rule *differently* than the minority, but often *opposed* to the minority. You can't have two sets of laws or regulations made for the majority and minority.
