Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Machine

According to Locke, all land is common, meaning that it belongs to everyone. However, he did believe it was possible to have private land as well. How did one achieve such a goal? Labor, pure and simple. If a person invested time and labor into a piece of land, that parcel belonged to him. Their labor accomplished two goals. First, a man was able to officially own his own land. Secondly, a man as well as his family were able to survive off of the products of their labor. Success was only a matter of a little hard work. The same could be said about our lives.

Whatever a person puts into something is what the person is going to get in return. It's like a machine, if you put garbage in, you will get garbage out. It's that simple. Someone in class on Thursday made the comment that as humans we are born with only our bodies and what we can do with it. That's it. There's no instruction manual for life. You learn from experience. In order to learn it takes putting forth an effort to absorb the knowledge being taught by someone who is also laboring to teach others. Labor is necessary for us to achieve any of our goals. Yes it is true that God does give and provide for us. We should be grateful. I agree with Locke that the gifts from God require a response of responsibility on our part. We should be good stewards of the gifts God has given to us. However, we should never cease to labor even if our obedience to God and His commands for us. I believe that God blesses the efforts we put forth if we are laboring with the right heart and for the right purpose. What we put into our lives (both here on earth and in our relationship with God) will determine the type of physical and spiritual life we will have.

I commented on Ashley's "What do you Believe?"

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