Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Bible in Politics

What would it look like to have a biblical scholar in politics today?

In "Common Sense," Thomas Paine extensively abhors the idea of hereditary succession, and provides an impressive and ample ammount of biblical background to prove that 'Divine Right of Kings' does not exist. It didnt hit me at first while reading through this as any more than just another scholar sharing his biblical views. But after letting it sink in a little i realized that Paine's political views and ideals are entirely secular. He would not claim to be a 'religions political thinker.'
Think about this for a minute...why is it that this man, who professes no ties to a christian worldview, can so easily express in detail and length a biblical truth about government, and what it should and shouldnt be, when, in our current government, we have many professing 'christian' politicians who have less biblical understanding or concern than you or I?
Can you imagine what it would look like if those leaders who claim to be Christians even made an effort to live that claim?

*I commented on Whitney's Blog*

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