Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Should we all get equal share of everything? If we all do equal share, sure. We should all get the same benefits. But no one can really get mad if one gets more than the other if that one is contributing more. It should motivate the one that's got the lesser to work harder, but instead it sometimes causes complaints.
I understand there are people out there that need help and should get it. But I shouldn't feel bad because I have and others don't. If someone is in need and I have it to give I will give it. I just don't think it would be fair if I work and someone else benefits. If it's my child or someone unable to take care of themself, yeah I feel obligated to give. But some people take advantage of other people's kindness. A healthy relationship of any kind is of equal give and take. If I'm always the giver eventually I'm going to get tired of giving. If I'm the taker I'm just going to remain lazy. So, I feel if I go out there and put in the time and effort to bring that money in then I should dictate how it is spent. But the taxes are fine. At the end of the day I'm not in the world alone so we have to make sure the community is maintain. So that part I don't mind.

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