The pictures you see here are meant to symbolize (left) the Crusades, and (right) Territorial/Protective fighting as seen in the film 300.
This Color doesn't fit my theme but that's the Irony of it all :) I would like to throw out the idea that we discussed in class today on our Vicious/Virtuous Natures, whether we have an inclination to one more than the other...etc.
I see clearly that we have sinful tendencies and natures. This could lead one to believe that we war/fight out of vicious intent. Regardless of it's cause, war/fighting is always a vicious occurrence. However, can these actions be justified with just and noble cause? I would argue Yes. For example, throughout the Crusades, right and wrong would most likely depend on what religious group you associated yourself with. It was more gray as to how just the fighting of this time was. Nevertheless, all participants were fighting out of conviction for their beliefs.
In the example of 300, we see phenomenal displays of the most disgustingly beautiful, testosterone pumping combat known to Hollywood. Spartans, as mentioned in the movie, were bred to be warring machines. Is that not vicious? No. Why? For any organism, no matter how great or small, to survive on this planet is a natural struggle. You learn in Biology how all substances are working in tandem with the things around them or competing against them to survive. The Spartans were breeding these "Super Warriors" to fight off potentially harmful outside threats. When their livelihood was opposed, they fought to protect their wives, children, homes, land, pride, and to gain glory. Few of those things are NOT virtuous. So where can we draw the line?
You decide.
I commented on Sarah Becky's "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
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