Monday, October 26, 2009

The Value of the Incalculable...

I like Marx. I never thought I would say that, because I used to base my opinions of him on the fact that he was the terrible founder of the "C-word." Shhh...
But I've changed my mind. I can see why he said what he said; his explanations make sense when I consider the times he lived in and the horrors he and all society faced. His criticisms can very well be held as valid...
I have a problem with Marx. I always thought I'd say that, because the man's thoughts began the spread of the "C-word" throughout the world.
I haven't changed my mind. I can see now why I have a problem; it's not with his theories or his's not with Communism (yes, I said it!)...
My problem with Marx lies in his definition of value, not of apples or pears or factory wages, but of the soul.

Men are selfish by nature. That's a fact I do not doubt for even a second. As long as we realize we determine what value is, we will always make sure that we are valued the most. Life is about us, about what makes us happy, comfortable, safe, and secure. The more we learn of how to manipulate, the more we will change our definition of value to bring what we want - what we think we deserve. Marx's plan included the value of work, or time, of apples and pears, of factories, of private businesses...he made the graphs and the statistics and the percentages...but he left out one thing when he wrote about value.

He held no value for the soul.

That is why his government thrived, then crumbled. People are the same as slaves. Babies are aborted. The old are murdered. Christians are persecuted. Children are hungry. Human beings are packed into cities like animals....because man thinks he can determine what the value of a life is. Sure, a man can calculate the amount of work he can do in a lifetime, the number of children he can have, and the money he can make. And he can fall overwhelmingly short at the truth.

True value is determined by the soul.

Man did not create the soul. Man has no power over the soul. Man cannot control the soul. Man cannot prove the soul. Man cannot determine the value of a soul. That belongs to the Creator. He may be a "crutch." I was hungry, thirsty, cold, alone, afraid, and wounded....gladly do I lean on Him for life, for love, for purpose, for value. For hope. If JESUS CHRIST is a crutch, then let me be completely lame and carried by Him for my entire life, and for my eternity.

Marx made no room for the soul, only for equations that will change with our selfishness. The only One who knows our worth and gives us purpose to fulfill it, Marx denied. He limped through life, just at the Communist countries of the world continue to struggle to survive...and he finally collapsed, for on the day he died, his value was no more. If only he had accepted the gift of the crutch of CHRIST...he could run in the vast meadow of the healing of true worth.

"For what good does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but to lose his own soul?"

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