Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh, Emerson...

As we discussed Emerson's writings on Thursday, several disagreements ensued. Some supported Emerson; some did not. I have some areas where I agree with the gist of what Emerson says. For example, I understand the need for a personal search to really know what you believe. I also believe that God can be experience through nature. I believe that God's creation is one of the ways He speaks to us apart from Scripture. So, I have found some common ground with Emerson.

However, I have found more areas of disagreement with Emerson. His idea that nature is untainted is incredibly false in my mind. Nature just like every other aspect of human life has been marred by the fall. Original sin (yes, it does affect your reading of Emerson) has brought nature into a sinful state, in need of redemption. I don't mean to say that God cannot use nature, in the same way that He uses sinful humans. I just want to point out that nature is not perfect and therefore, anything we experience there must be tested by God's truth found in the Bible. Also, I have a problem with the whole idea of self-reliance. In my understanding based on a Christian worldview, we are to be reliant on God not self-reliant. To think that we can survive on our own wisdom and morals is a dangerously prideful idea. It elevates us to the place of God and as flawed human beings that is a place we should never assume to take.


  1. I commented on Kala's post "New."

  2. I just wanted to say I agree with your point on reliant and self reliant. It's very true that we must rely on God and I think we very easily forget that sometimes.
