Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In Honors Lit, Nature Contemplates You!

Bon matin, mes petits chums and chum-ettes of Honors Lit! haha I know I'm cutting this week's blog post a little close but I kinda forgot, you know.

Today we're going to becomes the transparent eyeball and sit in the woods to contemplate Emerson's "Nature" and nature itself. So let me say this first and foremost...

I can't sit still for longer than a few minutes. [I know, shocking right?] But that's not the point.

My point is: I was discussing this with my friends at a bible study I go to on Monday nights and we got into the discussion of Emerson and the Trancendentalist movement and one of my very godly friends told me I shouldn't go out into Nature and contemplate her beauty because it was "against my religious beliefs".

How so? I wonder. Is is wrong to go out and meditate on the glory and beauty that God has provided for us on this Earth? If He made it all, should we not praise it's celestial sublime-ness that shows the awesome might and power of our Lord?

I've discovered that a lot of people, when told about this assignment for today, said variations of the same thing, saying that it wasn't right for Christians to contemplate Nature as Nature, like Emerson intended it to be...

I don't know, I think I'll go do it and see what happens :-)

Until later then, my darlings!

oh! commented on Kimberly G's blog

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