Tuesday, October 27, 2009

heart surgeries and hair cuts

Marx's Labor Theory of Value has me a bit confused about what I think. He says that the value of labor=the time spent on it; the skill going into the job doesn't matter. I can see how this would be beneficial in some situation, but there is NO way that I could even imagine someone getting paid the same for a haircut as they would for open heart surgery. That just seems crazy. However, I do like the idea for some jobs (maybe). This could keep people who play a game for a living from making more money than someone who has to work so hard just to keep food on the table. So, like I said, I am still not sure how I feel about the Labor Theory of Value...just another thing for me to think about from Honors Lit!


  1. I think that's an interesting point you made about people who play sports/game making more than a police man or trash man or anyone who labors really hard. Our system of determining value now has come down to supply and demand. There are very few who are talented enough to play a sport professionally and we will pay ridiculous amounts to see NFL/ NBA/ whatever games. So really alot of the blame for this pay imbalance falls on us for putting so much importance and focus as a culture on these athletes. They do labor though they have to practice and train. While their jobs may not originally have done anything to improve society, we have put great cultural significance on these events and individuals.
