Monday, August 31, 2009

Religious Beliefs: Them vs. You

I just wanted to touch on a question that Dr. Abernathy asked us to think about, but that we didn't discuss. I believe it was Tuesday. The topic came about when we were talking about the devastation of Katrina and how some people believed that it was sent from God to destroy the corrupt New Orleans. Then we were asked if it was right to tell the people who believed that that they were wrong. I believe that it is always okay to state your beliefs to anyone. However, I don't believe that it is right to try to force your beliefs on anyone. So, in this case I believe that you should, or I would, simply tell the person why you disagree with them calmly, and let them take it for what they will. It would be wrong to tell them that their beliefs are wrong and yours is right and there is no alternative. Not only do I believe that to be morally wrong, but it would be completely ineffective for your opinion, and probably leave it completely null to the other. Quite simply, I think the only appropriate response to someone with alternative beliefs to yours is to say what you do believe without arguing it. Anything further would help no one in the situation.

I commented on Sarah Becky's blog.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. Often times, we try to force our beliefs onto others who have differing opinions. The result is usually not in our favor. Many people see Christians as very judgemental and unapproachable because of the way we approach them when trying to witness.
