Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Logic vs Passion

Can we really live without passion? Can reason and logic alone sustain our existence?
Think back to the enlightenment. What was the driving inspiration behind the whole era? The search for knowledge. The desire to bring things, to this point uncomprehended, into our realm of thought and understanding. This is fantastic and helped us advance in technology and society in general...but theres a problem. Remember who we are? Little insignificant humans..? Compared to a God who's bigger than life itself..? We CANT comprehend everything we want to. God can't fit into our little minds, nor can all of His creation. I dont believe its possible to live purely emersed in logic, as the Horse (crazy named) race appeared to do in Gullivers Travels. We would all go insane, and logic and reason would fly out the window as we confront situations where there is no logical answer, and reason is obsolete.
We were created by a passionate God. Made in His image. Passion is INSIDE you and me. It's not something we can do without. Its as necessary as the air you are breathing right now.
My point is this. Life can only be sustained in a balance between these two gifts God has given us. Living on the extreme on either end results in insanity. But a balance of reason and passion allows us to fully appreciate the God of the universe and every aspect of our lives.

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