Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You know where liars go.....

Another post about the right vs. wrong. Its a cool subject, in my oppinion.

As Christians, we believe that lying is a sin. We believe that God hates sin. This has always been said to be a black and white situation. No gray area for sin.

But what about Steve, whose name really isn't Steve. Steve has to have a fake identity and literally live a lie because he is in Iran, building relationships with people in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is lying for the glory of God. How does God feel about this?

Abraham lied in order to keep himself and his wife safe by claiming that she was his sister. He did this twice.

David lied to a priest in order to get food and a weapon, and God ended up blessing him through it.

So, is it okay to lie in certaint circumstances? Is it possible to please God through sinning?

Sidenote:In the above mentioned story of David.....all of those priests were later killed for helping him, even though they didn't understand what they were doing.

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