Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trust God to protect but not provide?

In class today we discussed how Sonya's prostitution was for the good of her family and it wasn't really wrong because it was for a good cause. Someone then brought up that she was very religious and pure and trusted God to protect her in her line of work. I have to say though, if she trusts God to protect her then why doesn't she trust Him to provide. Yes, I can see the argument that "the baby's crying so He's obviously not going to" but on the one hand, if one doesn't trust Him to provide then why would they trust Him to protect. On the other, if one goes out and commits a sin to make money, is that really trusting Him to provide?
I'll begin with my first point. Could you trust someone to do something when they so drastically let you down in another situation? Does that really make any sense? If Sonya was really so convinced that God would protect her, why did she not trust that He would provide as well? God's Word says specifically that He will provide food and clothing for the righteous just as He provides the same for birds and flowers. If she believed He was lying about providing, then why would He not reasonably be lying about the protecting?
My second point is this...She is said to be so religious and a woman of God but then why would she believe it was okay to sin in order to provide for herself? I'm not saying that I don't sympathize with her and yes I do agree that anyone with a heart should feel her pain, I just don't think that we can reasonably take one without the other. In class today she was painted as such a holy woman who ended up as a martyr of sorts when in fact she is a scared young woman who made a mistake for a good cause. It doesn't change the fact that it's wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. While it may have been done with good intentions, Sonia's prostitution is still prostitution. This is a sin in the eyes of God whether justified or not.
