Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crime and Punishment

"Crime is a protest against the unnatural structure of society."
This quote comes from the great Russian novel, Crime and Punishment. It is stating the there is crime because of laws and structure of our society that shouldn't be there. This although might be true in some cases, it is far from the truth of society as a whole. Crime is a very present thing in society because the people that the society consists of our inherently evil. It is our nature to break laws and harm others. It is our nature to sin. But thankfully, we do have law and order to prevent utter chaos from irrupting in a society. Can you imagine a civilization without any form of government? It is a scary thought. No matter what your political ideology is and whether or not it lines up with the current administration, we should never cease to be thankful for the privilege of actually having a government.

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